Left 4 Dead 2 is an amazingly addictive and quite thrilling game with a super action and adventure packed game-play. You also get to play 5 campaigns, in which you get provided with safe houses and check points and a goal to survive till the end of the campaign. The game provides you with a multiplayer gaming mode, so you can play with other online players too. For example if you encounter a zombie or multiple in the shape of hordes, you can engage in close combats using melee weapons, and if you are on a safe distance you can use guns like Pistols or snipers to shoot down the zombies. The game allows you to use different firearms and melee weapons according to the scenario on a specific point in the game. Because of being the main character of the game you act as their leader. You can choose one of the characters as protagonist and play the game. In order to survive they travel from place to place items like food, medicines, weapons etc. The story of the game revolves around the four survivors Coach, Ellis, Nick and Rochelle who are immune to the flu. Left 4 Dead 2 is a First-person Shooter video game set on a global scale, infected by the Green Flu which is responsible to transform humans into extremely aggressive and deadly zombies. Left 4 Dead 2 is a Zombie, Horror Survival video game developed and published by Valve Corporation.
Some cool features of No More Room in Hell include Dynamically created Maps, Multiple gaming modes, a lot of NPCs, Modern-Weaponry, Both long and short distance (Melee) combats, Realistic graphics, a great story of the game and an amazingly addictive and involving game-play etc. The Multiplayer Co-Op mode allows you to team up with other people and go on to encounter the undead as a team, kill the zombies etc. Start by killing off the undead, save and gather the people who are still uninfected, bring them to shelter, scavenge for food and other necessary items etc. You must gather up with a team of professionals and take the matters into your own hands. You are the one among the people and it is now your duty to liberate the human populace from fear. The ones still immune to the virus are cornered into a very remote area and are living in fear and hunger. The virus turns the people into undead and hence the whole population of earth is converting into one of them on a very fast pace. The game is basically inspired by George Romeo’s Of the Dead series and is set in an era of Destruction and the end of the world because of a deadly virus outbreak. No More Room in Hell by NMRiH Dev Team is a super cool blend of Horror-Survival, Action-Adventure, First Person Shooting (FPS) and Multiplayer Co-Op elements.