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MoeGamer is entirely funded out of the author’s pocket and generous Patreon/Ko-Fi donations. These special features are punctuated with one-off articles and ongoing series about other noteworthy games or phenomena as well as broader aspects of popular media such as anime and manga. The focal point of MoeGamer’s coverage is the Cover Game feature: a series of in-depth explorations of individual games or series from both yesterday and today. Yep, this most definitely includes adults-only stuff! MoeGamer’s aim is to provide comprehensive, interesting, positive and well-researched coverage of niche-interest and overlooked, underappreciated titles that often tend to get a raw deal from the mainstream press or are at risk of being forgotten by history. It is written and curated by Pete Davison, formerly of USgamer and GamePro. MoeGamer is a site about video games and visual novels, old and new.